This traditionally made ghee will definitely swell your heart with happiness. The cattle reared on the farm are freely grazed on naturally grown grass and therefore the milk that we obtain is nutrient dense. Fresh with richness of taste and robust with authenticity, our coarsely grained, golden A2 ghee is all set to give you a wholesome experience.

Health Benefits

Boosts Immunity

The gut regulates 80% of our health. A2 ghee improves gut health and detoxifies the body.

Bone Health Development

A2 ghee reduces inflammation and therefore prevents bone degeneration.

Healthy Alternative to Cooking Oil

Improves Digestion

A2 ghee increases the secretion of digestive acids. It also removes toxins.

Nourishes Brain Functioning

A2 ghee enhances cognitive functioning. It increases concentration, memory and intellect.

Skin Moisturiser

Vitamin A and fatty acids in A2 ghee are natural moisturisers. They provide deep and lasting hydration.