The Surya Ketu Nadi

Look out for a hump on the backs, their horns would spiral out and go backwards, the skin in front would be hanging and finally, if you see long dangling ears, be sure that it’s a Gir cow. 

They are the natives of the land and their milk is best suited for the Indian gut system. The Surya Ketu Nadi (a specialised vein found only in Gir cows) gets triggered by the sun's exposure and produces golden milk. Our flavoursome A2 cow ghee gets its colour from this milk. The nourishing properties of A2 milk are so intense that it can be used as an alternative to breast milk during the lactation period.

Interestingly, they are naturally conscious grazers: the Gir cows leave behind 2cms of vegetation while freely grazing around the fields. This helps in prevention of soil erosion. At Farme, we feed our cows with organic fodder: napier grass, gramstraw and buttermilk (from which butter is separated to make ghee). 

Healthy Gir cows = Golden milk = Best A2 Ghee